Community Interpreting: Mapping the present for the future


  • Aline Remael University of Antwerp
  • Mary Carroll MIKK e.V., Berlin


Community Interpreting (CI), or public service interpreting (PSI) as it is also commonly known, is a service that is invariably rooted in the communities and societies that require and provide it. As such it reflects the practices, norms, standards, needs, demands and policies of these communities and societies. CI or PSI, as the double denomination already suggests, comes in many national and geographical variations and is impacted by societal and political forces at local, regional, national and international levels. However, while the diverse circumstances of CI may help to explain the variety in current practices, they also lead to marked differences in the quality and extent of the services provided, which is a concern for practitioners and researchers alike. A sufficiently flexible and well-researched, reliable and enforceable international CI standard or set of standards has not yet materialized.


